CyberloQ has only one purpose: we efficiently and effectively secure access to our client’s digital assets.


Our comprehensive solution – CyberloQ Secure – achieves this purpose by implementing an innovative Adaptive Trust Architecture.

At the heart of this architecture is a proprietary Transaction Risk Assessment engine that leverages leading-edge Multi-Factor Authentication and Authorization (MFA) protocols to prevent fraudulent access to our client’s online systems and the digital assets and sensitive information that they house.

Key characteristics of CyberloQ Secure include:

  • A truly multi-factor security protocol that includes client-defined location-based geofencing constraints.
  • An intelligent risk calculation algorithm that sets a risk profile for each Authentication or Access attempt.
  • A corresponding set of client-defined business rules that drive escalation through our Adaptive MFA.


CyberloQ Secure is delivered as a robust API for rapid, seamless integration into our client’s existing systems. And the entire platform – our highly secure, highly elastic, highly scalable Adaptive Trust Architecture – is hosted in a flexible cloud-based Infrastructure Implementation.

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February 3, 2023
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